I highly recommend for active athlete's of all ages to use this during your & after your session for a quick recovery.
A very good product
I do gymming at home regularly and doing it for more than 5 years now. I am 59. Knee pain is one issue I have faced for quite long but since I love exercising I have always used some brand of pain relief spray. Accidently I happened to get this UpUrFit spray and I ordered it. I liked it so much that I discontinued using previous brands and now using only UpUrFit CRYO spray. It helps me maintain my knee health.
Sarthak Sood
Relieves Pain
It relieves pain instantly with a cooling sensation
Abhushan S
Good product and good customer experience
I had ordered 3 products (cryo spray, thermo spray and cryo gel). The sprays are quite useful and the gel is good in case of deep massage when required